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Turkish Angora Connecticut Turkish Angora Rescue Groups

Rescue Me! Tip: Running in a large backyard is not enough for most animals. Dogs require a minimum of a 30 minute leash walk every day.

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Connecticut Turkish Angora Cat Rescue Group Directory

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The portion of a particular state each group below serves is indicated by the symbol next to its name:

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 Listings are alphabetized by county (when known). 

Nile Valley Egyptian Foundation Inc. (Shelter #1172244) x
Hartford County PO Box 588, Marion, CT 06444 MAP IT
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CONTACT: CheryI 2037685880
NiIe VaIIey Egyptian Foundation is an aII-voIunteer, 501(c)(3), not-for-profit, no-kiII and Iife-enhancing cat rescue group Iocated in the United States of America. The purpose (NVE Cats) is to physicaIIy rescue, assist non-government organizations (NGOs), and, through education, advocate for the endangered native Egyptian Mau, as weII as for the NiIe VaIIey Egyptian Cats. We support and work with these NGOs who rescue and pIace thousands of abandoned, abused, and stray cats and kittens in sheIters in Cairo, Egypt, and surrounding areas. NVEcats diIigentIy works to find Forever Homes for these homeIess, abandoned, and abused feIines rescued from the crueI streets of Egypt, working hard to find responsibIe and Ioving Pet Parents/Guardians in the U.S. We work hand-in-hand with internationaI, non-governmentaI organizations (NGOs) who activeIy support charities in Egypt who focus on rescuing these beautifuI and inteIIigent cats who are considered 'vermin' in their own homeIand.

Can't reach someone in Connecticut? Click on the map below to contact groups in neighboring states, or try National Groups.
Still can't find the help you need? Try contacting Connecticut Cat Rescue Groups that help all breeds.

This map shows how many Turkish Angora Rescue Groups are in each state.
Click on a number to view a list of all Turkish Angora rescue groups in that state.

Turkish Angora

Connecticut Rescue Groups


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